Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! It’s green eggs and ham day for everyone!

I thought today, on his birthday, I would share some of my favorite Dr. Seuss quotes for both adults and kids. I feel like so many of his quotes help us to be better, live better and have fun!

In a world where social media and marketers try to influence us to be someone other than ourselves, I think Dr. Seuss had it all right! These are 15 of my favorite quotes!

I love to share this one with my son!
Go and grab those goals and dreams! Great quote for graduation parties!
What a great motto to live each and every day!
I think this is the best quote for every mother to remember. Let’s not try to be someone else, let’s be ourselves. We are the one God gave to our kids!

I feel like these quotes are great reminders of how to live positive, inspirational lives. He makes us feel comfortable about who we are. He gives us truths about how to live each and every day to the fullest. But most of all, he makes it a point to make everyone feel comfortable with themselves.

Share your favorite quote with others

If you haven’t read Dr. Seuss or share your favorite book with a little one, make sure you take the time to do it this week. Have a senior this year, grab “Oh the Places you’ll go” and have teachers sign it for your student. Or use it as a sign-in book for your senior’s graduation party this spring. It makes a great memory book for the future!

I hope these 15 quotes give you some inspiration to live each day to its fullest. I hope you share some of these with your own kids because I feel like many of them are great reminders for them to be their best each day. What is your favorite Dr. Seuss quote? Share with me below!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Enjoy your green eggs and ham my friends!