I love my time alone with God. Sometimes I only have a few moments in my busy day to really study the word of God. I started doing scripture writing plans about a year ago and it has really helped me understand the word of God even more.

What is a monthly scripture writing plan you ask? It’s so simple, yet makes such an impact. You can make this your own, by doing exactly what you want to do. Here’s what I do. I have a small journal notebook I use for this, nothing fancy, you can even grab one from the Dollar Store. Or you can order one of Amazon, here are a few of my favorites (here or here). Then each day I write the verse down, I pray over it, then I write my own notes (what it means to me, how it relates to my life, etc). Over the past year, as my journal(s) have developed, I have even added at the bottom of the page, related scriptures. It’s great for Bible mapping.

I have found that scripture writing is personal. You need to find what works for you and your life. If you would like to dive deeper into scripture and God’s word, keep reading, I have just what you need!

Anxiety Scripture Printable Devotional

In addition to this plan, I have also created a printable devotional to go along with this Anxiety Scripture Plan. This devotional is short, is less than 5 minutes each day. I’ve written these daily devotionals so they are great for teens and adults. Each day there is a story or thought to go along with the scripture of the day. You can print them out or use them on your electronic device.

I have opened up in this devotional, sharing both personal experiences and thoughts. My hope is that you can relate to some of my struggles and help you move past some of your anxieties in life.

If you would like to download the devotional, you can find the link here. I have marked the price down to $.99 until the first of April and then it will go to regular price of only $2.50!

Fighting Anxiety with Faith

I choose to start with this topic because of everything we are currently dealing with in life. Quarantines and mandatory lock downs, working from home, schooling little ones and many of us dealing with essential workers. I recently shared a post on my Facebook page, here. I have a strong faith, but all this is still a lot for me. I will be doing this scripture plan and devotional with everyone, and I just wrote it! I believe we can all fight anxiety with faith!

If you know someone who could benefit from this please share! I think everyone can use the word of God and some time with Him each day! I pray each and every one of you find comfort in this! And check back for next months plan and devotional!