Have you ever scrolled through social media and found yourself feeling jealous of others? How about spending time thinking about the perfect photo or caption for your Instagram post? Worried about how many likes you got, or if your life seems boring to others scrolling through your social media accounts?

I ask this because I feel that in today’s society we find ourselves trying to please and entertain other’s perceptions and thoughts of us. We want everyone to think we have the perfect, most adventurous, wonderful life ever. It is almost every day we find ourselves trying to be something for others that we really aren’t. Why is this?

“The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind – the – scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel”

Steve Furtick

Are you comparing yourself to others?

I often believe that we compare ourselves because we don’t know who our true selves are. It took me a long time to find my true self, one of lots of prayer. I found I had to be comfortable with myself and learn to be happy and grateful for all that I have.

For example, I have a very tiny house for a family of five. It was supposed to be our starter home and then time just happened, and we became so happy and content where we were. We love it! I have no desire to try and have the biggest, best house. I don’t follow others when they say they are growing out of their house. I’m happy where I am. If you look back over today, and this week, how many times have you felt jealous, hoped of something different because you saw it on social media or a conversation with a friend?

“Every minute you spend wishing you had someone else’s life is a minute spent wasting yours.”


Are you following God’s plan or creating your own?

Lent began last week and for many, we will be giving something up. Years ago I began a practice, one that we have continued throughout the years in our family, where we don’t give something up but create a habit that will bring us closer to God, become more Christlike by Easter. One year I gave up yelling and found myself more patient in my living. After that, the next year I gave up gossiping and found myself praying more for others. There have been so many over the years and each year when Easter comes I have found myself closer to Christ in my faith walk.

Accordingly, this year as I continue to grow in my faith walk I am working on listening to Christ in my life. It’s hard for me, really anyone, to do in this life. Life is full of noise, hustle and bustle of every day. Despite all the noise, I am going to listen hard to what God is saying to me.

Ultimately, God has an amazing plan for me and my life; His plans are far better for me then I could ever imagine. When I don’t listen to Him during those times I begin to stray from His path for me, I begin to start deciding what I believe is best for me and what I want. But what I want for my life is not always what God has planned for me.

God created me in His image. I am one of a kind, I am me and no one else. So, when those times come when I find myself comparing my life to others I am failing God. I am changing myself to be like someone else. In other words, I am not being the person God created me to be, but deciding to be someone or something I am not is turning my back on God.

Practicing Intentional Living

This year I have been practicing Intentional living. I have slowed down, listened to myself, my family and God. I have found what makes me happy. I have eliminated things and worked on making my life about me and my family not about being someone I am not. My intention living has made me find who I am.

My personal social media is nothing special. I share photos of what makes me happy; they aren’t perfect (some are filtered so I don’t look absolutely awful) but they are my real life. I don’t post to outdo someone else, I don’t post so people think my life is perfect, glamorous or fun. I’m not living my life for anyone but myself and most importantly God.

God’s creation is beautiful, and I have learned that I am living my life for Him. I am “fearfully and wonderfully made” (psalms 139:14) by Him, and He is the only one I need to “impress” with my life. Song of Songs 4:7 “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” God’s words resonate so much more in my head then anyone on earth could say to me.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Chris Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

I challenge you this Lent season, and all year, to begin to grow in your life to be who God wants you to be. Trust Him and follow His words to you. Take the time to slow down and truly listen to what He has to say to you. Block out the noise, the busyness, and truly begin to listen and be the person you feel He is calling you to be.

Live your life

Your life is just that, yours. Your decisions should be made to please you and those around you, no one else. Take the job that makes you happy, the rest will fall in place. Say no to all the extras in life, you don’t need the stress. Your choices will not, and should not, be the same as your neighbor, your best friend or the girl you admire on social media. Choices you make in life should only me made to please our one true God and yourself.

Don’t ever question the life you live. God gave you this life for a reason, find the reason and rejoice. Follow the path He has laid out for you gratefully, with love and happiness in your heart. Don’t fret over other’s paths, they may not be following their true paths because they are too busy not listening!

You are You, no one else, Be You!

Remember you are you and no one else. Raise your arrows to follow their paths too, teach them to take the time to listen to Him and block out the wants in life. Above all, let’s worry less about pleasing those around us and instead please the one who gave us this life. Work towards being your genuine self, the one God knit in your mother’s womb, not the Instagram star you so want to be like. You are special in your way, shine your light bright for all to see.

In closing, I leave you with the following message to pray on:

“Let the one
who created you be the one who defines you”

Go and pray, listen closely to God’s response and be the one who He imagined you to be!