My thoughts for you to remember during your last season

Dear Daughter,

You think that this letter would make more sense coming after the last game of your last season, but you know I never do anything that makes perfect sense.

Today I will watch you take the field for the first time of your last soccer season. It takes me back so many years, so many games. I have watched you play with a soccer ball since before you could walk, it was in your blood. I watched you play your first game, with your dad and poppy on the sidelines as coaches. I was there when you made your first goal and when you had to make the tough decision to focus solely on soccer and move away from all the other sports.

My years as a soccer mom are coming to a close. All the shirts and tote bags will begin to collect dust in the back of a closet. But the memories I will cherish forever. I won’t remember the dinners I missed with friends, the meetings I skipped, the plans I had to cancel because my daughter had soccer. I remember the smiles from you, the love you exuded on and off the field.

My oldest and my youngest!

As you move through this season, the emotions will hit you at the rarest times. All the dreams as a young girl, all the goals and aspirations. You will begin to question your decision to not pursue your career in college and beyond; don’t!

I have watched you learn so many lessons about life on the soccer field then many will learn in a lifetime. Through the years, you have mastered leadership, teamwork, sportsmanship, humbleness, humility and grace in defeat. These skills will carry you further then any soccer career ever could.

So many years of pride and joy, culminating into one season of lasts. Last time you pull on a pair of cleats, last time you put on your jersey, last time you hug a team mate, last goal scored, last argument with the ref (respectfully of course), last smile to the crowd to see your people so proud. All these are now just large memories in our minds, ones that will last us a lifetime; but, like every photograph, the memory will eventually fade, but the stories and emotions will forever be engrained in our hearts and minds.

Over the years we have traveled hundreds of miles, slept in countless hotel rooms, seen way too many soccer fields to count, but nothing will ever amount to the memories and time we got to spend together. The fun and laughter we shared on the trips. The bonds you built with your family and your teammates.

Pride, it’s a word used often during times like this. But if there was a word stronger then pride I would use it here. All the hours of practice, the sweat and tears have taught you nothing more then hard work and determination. Two important skills for success in life.

This last season, I don’t want you to cry over the last, but to rejoice in the years. The success soccer has brought to your life. The friendships that will last a lifetime, the hard work you have but in. Be thankful for the lessons in humility during victory and the grace in defeat.

My daughter and her best friend. Met on the field and built a beautiful friendship around their passion for a sport.

This season I want you to carry with you pride for the athlete you are. Pride for the countless hours, the sweat, tears and determination that you have put in to be the amazing soccer player you are. I want you to remember that soccer doesn’t define who you are but rather is a part of you and your story. Just like a small corner piece of a puzzle, soccer is a piece of your life, one that is important in creating the amazing young lady you are.

All the memories and moments, the best and worst times, all happened with a soccer ball at your feet. Recall the bonds you made, friendships that were created. Remember your people in the stands at all your games and practices. Fourteen plus years of soccer is an experience that is a part of our lives as much as it is a part of yours. The last time we watch you walk off that field this season will be just as bittersweet for us as it is you. But it’s not the end, just a comma in the year; a preview for the next few months as we continue to watch you in your lasts. All leading up to the big day! The end of an end, but the beginning of a new!

This season play harder then ever before. Hug your teammates like no one is watching. Shed tears for victories and laugh at the loses. Think of past seasons, years that seem so long ago. Remember the time when soccer was your life and you loved every moment of it.  Bring back the giddy feeling you had before every game and feel it again. Love the sport more then you ever have!

This letter has been all over the place; much like my mind is this year. One day you will understand as you are in my shoes. And when you are, you will look back and be grateful for all these tears we shed during this time. And remember, a tiny moment in your life means the world in mine, and I don’t want to let go of this feeling!

Take away from this letter and this season that I am proud of you. I am proud of the person you are. I say it all the time, and I know I sound like a broken record, but it’s something I need you to always remember. Soccer is a part of you, but it’s not who you are. Soccer has built the character you are, but it’s not your definition. Take pride in the athlete you are, the memories you have and be proud of the years and hard work you put in. I am, and I couldn’t be prouder of you. I will always wear my “soccer mom” tee proudly and remember the years we had together at a sport my child was amazing at. So, until the next letter during this memorable senior year…

I’m so very proud of you, and so are all “your people”!