But not how you think!

It is popular for Bloggers and Influencers to look back on the year during this week between Christmas and New Years. I have done it in the past ( you can find them here), but this post I want to take it a different direction as I look back on 2020.

A year ago I had so many dreams, goals and asperations for this blog. I was so excited to head into 2020, ready to grow both professionally and personally.

The first few weeks/months I was on a roll, posting and working diligently. And then it all stopped. We all know why!

But even during this past year, while anxieties have been high, bouts of depression has seeped in and we’ve had to learn to navigate a new life, I have grown (I shared some in this post). And that’s where I want to focus on today! My growth during the weirdest year I have ever experienced.

For many of us, even believers, we have to be in control at all times. We have a plan for our lives and forget that God’s Master plan will not always match ours. This past year was an example of that. Those of us who have not necessarily strived, but found peace, are the ones who trust in His mighty plan. Accepted the way our lives have become and found peace in knowing it will all work out.

Looking back on 2020: What I learned

Before we jump too far, I want to share some of the things I have found out, or grown, this year. I have learned to share my emotions more with others. As an introvert, and independent woman, I don’t often do this! I tend to keep everything bottled up and deal with it on my own. This year I have learned to express emotions and talk through them with others.

This year I have learned a lot about others. I have learned who are the leaches in my life. You know, the ones who are only there to take and never give back. I have been able to clearly see and recognize those in my life who are only there to take so much from me and never return. I have worked hard to slowly eliminate those in my life, I don’t need them!

I have learned who are true friends and who are just acquaintances in my life. True friends believe in you, trust you and don’t judge you! They listen, even when they disagree, and try to understand your perspective. They respect your decisions and never make you feel bad for making them. They love you for you, never wanting you to change! And they are not leaches in your life!

I know I don’t need approval about anything in my life but myself! I don’t need people to agree with me, I don’t need them to love or even like me. I know that the only approval I need in life is God’s. He loves me, He created me in His image so I know he approves of me! He is all that matters in my life! Not the number of likes on a post, not the comments of agreeance from friends. Just Him!!

The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think.

DAvid Icke

Looking back on 2020: finding what makes me happy

I have found what makes me happy in life! I know I need personal time everyday to regroup from everyone and everything in my life. I know I need books in my life and I make sure I am always reading one with one waiting! I know I need sleep, and I love lots of it and there is nothing wrong with that! I know I love to be outside all day during the warm months and I find any and every excuse to do it. I know I love my Christmas decorations and it’s ok to put them up when I want to and take them down when I am ready. I know I need time with God everyday! I pray often, I sit and listen for Him, and I have my devotion time each day. It keeps me grounded and happy.

It took time throughout this year to truly find myself. It starts years before, but this year with the slowing down of life, I was able to really spend time on myself. I was able to focus on me and my family, not the world around me!

I know many readers are upset, they feel this year was awful, a waste of time. I feel different. I feel like God gives us moments like this to refocus. Before this year I can honestly tell anyone listening, God was not the focus in my life. Life was, family was, the world around me was. But with the pause in “regular” life I was able to acknowledge that and change my ways.

Before all this I would tell you God was the first priority in my life, but if we are being honest here, it wasn’t the truth. I was devoted to Him, I read the Bible and prayed daily, but it was rushed to get throughout. I had life to live, and things to do.

2020 has made me slow down. My “new normal” as people like to call it now, is one I’m proud of. I have a life where God is truly the center of. I have time devoted each day for Him. Life will go on without hustle and bustle of all the “extras” because that’s what it is. My life won’t go on, in a peaceful and happy way, without my time and devotion to God!

I have found my true friends and family! The ones who will stand beside me through thick and thin. The ones who love me for me, who don’t judge. The ones who understand what makes me tick, don’t want to change me, and will love me always. My circle my be small, but it’s one I love!

Looking back on 2020: similar to 2000

Twenty years ago was a year of great challenge for me. 2000 was suppose to be my year! I experience a traumatic event early on in that year that forever changed me. And while I was suppose to be celebrating being a college graduate with a great new job, I was instead fighting for my life and struggling to take care of a new born baby, as a single mom. Nothing about 2000 was in my life plan! Well, except the college graduation, which I am proud of. But God’s plan was different! His plan was the complete opposite of what I was planning for my life.

It took me a long time to not be angry with him for changing my life. It took me a long time to finally love the life He had planned for me. But looking back, His plan was far greater then the one I had envisioned for my life. I got my daughter, my best friend. That year was not normal for me, but it taught me to focus on God, to trust in His plan (I have a great blog post about it here). I grew quickly in my Christian faith after that year and ended up finding a new normal!

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

Charles R. Swindoll

Fast forward twenty years, as life changed in those years, I began to lose sight of what I learned all those years ago. So while others have cursed and complained about 2020, I have learned to welcome and love it! I thank God for making me slow down and refocus my life.

It’s all about perspective, attitude and trust you choose each and everyday! I will continue to choose love, light, positivity and trust in God each and every day. Thank you God for giving me this past year, for slowing down my life and forcing me to change! When I look back on 2020 and my goal for the year, you can find it in this post, I can honestly say I accomplished it! I can say goodbye to 2020 knowing I did what I set out to do, even in a global pandemic! I will always see 2020 as a year I needed, one I don’t want to ever forget! What about you?