If you have been on social media recently, your news feed is probably full of political articles, posts, and memes. They are everywhere. So much so that many of us have strayed away from social media. Some of us have even gone to great links as to block “friends” because of their constant posts. So let’s talk about love not politics.

No matter what your political stance, republican or democratic, liberal or conservative, this article is something to think about before you “share” the next meme.

I don’t post any political stuff on my personal or business pages via social media. No one, including my friends and family, have any idea what my political views even are. I do this for a reason, there’s no need for me to overshare about my views. I’m on social media to share photos, catch up with college and grade school friends, see family that lives far away and to connect with new friends. There is nothing about social media that screams to me “scroll through your feed and read these memes that will most likely change your point of view”. NO! Your sharing a meme or rant is not in any way going to change my mind or anyone else’s for that matter.

Our country was built on differences, mixed cultures, and beliefs. From the very beginning, there was disagreement; people worshiping different God’s; cultures where life was completely different. Today, there are innumerable points of view on every aspect of life: religion, abortion, discrimination, immigration, etc. There are democrats, republicans, independents, baby boomers, millennials, those of us stuck in the middle. We all feel differently about everything.  It’s what makes us great. No one is right, but we are all allowed to have our own opinions and thoughts. Some of our opinions are based on past experiences and circumstances, and many of us don’t share those either. My opinion may be correct for me and not for you, and that’s ok! We must accept that!

Raising a generation with kindness and love

Right now, at this moment, many of us feel like our country is divided more than ever. I believe this to be so true, I try at all costs to avoid the news! Being a mother, I want my kids to grow up in a world that is peaceful, loving and caring. A world where people are allowed to have opinions and not feel threatened to discuss them.

I have always raised my kids to be kind, kind to everyone, even those kids we don’t get along with. The ones who make fun of you in class or on the playground, who are overly aggressive, and you just don’t feel comfortable around them. It’s a policy that I know I am not the only parent using to raise my kids. I have friends, acquaintances who are doing the same thing. This is great! Raising a generation on kindness and love.

BUT how can we preach to our kids this behavior when we are not setting it ourselves? How can we tell our kids to be kind to others who don’t have the same beliefs as us? But then we turn around the complain about the neighbor who is way too conservative for our neighborhood? For me, this is not a policy that you can throw the old “Do as I say, not as I do”. At one time we talked about what kind of world we were leaving for our kids, plastic water bottles everywhere, aerosol cans making large holes in the ozone; I’m not worried about that anymore, I’m worried about the culture of the society that my kids are going to have to deal with. The one where you can get beat up or shot for speaking your opinion.

Agree to disagree on politics

My Sunday School class is amazing. It is full of so many adults from every walk of life. We have professionals, blue-collar workers, grandparents, parents, retired, single and married individuals. You name it we probably have it covered in our class. Our class takes a hot topic of the previous week and we discuss it related to our religion. We’ve talked about the education system, modern-day medicine with their studies of cures, and even the latest immigration associated with the wall and the government shutdown.

Our class, just like the many facets of life we come from of course also have many different thoughts on all these topics. What I love most about our class is that we have never raised our voices, never once has anyone stormed out, not once has someone even gotten mad at another member. And no it’s not because we are at church, believe me, I sit on enough committees, we can get mad at each other! Our discussions are civilized, our disagreements are validated. Not once have we ever changed each other’s minds, but there have certainly been times when a discussion has explained why we believe the thing we do. I love this class most because it gives me a glimpse of what life could be like outside the church walls. That it is possible to have a civilized discussion about opinions and not be rude and angry.

How do we change?

How do we get to progression? We must work on it. We all have to take the time to climb down off our high horses and realize that no one has the correct answer! There is no book that tells society what the right answer is. Many of us, myself included, live our life by the Holy Bible. I strive each and every day to be more like Jesus. I try to raise my kids to live their lives according to His word. But no matter how many scriptures and devotions I read, no matter how many bible groups I am in, I still can’t find the answer to life except one word: LOVE!

And when we are arguing with our neighbor, we are not showing an ounce of love! When we are sitting around our Thanksgiving table with family we only see once a year, talking about politics, if we are arguing and not listening to each other we aren’t showing love. Besides, isn’t that part of the 10 commandments: Thou shalt not talk about politics with family?)

Many times, when I find myself having a discussion (I refuse to fight over politics and life choices) with someone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as myself, I find that they have a reason for the beliefs they have. The next time you post about your beliefs on Facebook, ask yourself why are you doing what you are doing. That post is one-sided and you aren’t reaching out to anyone; you aren’t listening and having a conversation.

Try to be the change

Join with me and climb down off your podium because your beliefs are no better than mine. Who said that every decision you made in life, that every belief and value you carry is the right one? And your neighbor is wrong. Accept everyone, their beliefs, listen to your neighbor and have a discussion. At the end of the conversation, you don’t have to change your mind and they don’t have to agree with you, but you can agree to disagree and maybe even learn something from them along the way. We live in a world full of amazing people, too many for all of us to be so divided and filled with hate and anger. Begin to be the change and create a movement that we are proud to leave the next generation.