Are your actions and words reflecting God or pushing people away from Christ?
If you are new around here let me tell you a little about myself – I love God and I’m proud to call myself a disciple of Christ! I love sharing His love with others! I love the Bible, read it every day and work hard to live faithfully each and every day. With that said, I am also human with feelings and emotions and sometimes fall short! I’m also no where near being a confrontational person or one who seeks out ugliness.
If you follow me on social media, I’ve been pretty quiet lately. I’ve stopped my endless scrolling and sometimes I’ve even gone days without even opening my app!
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve wondered when social media is going to go back to showing friends photos of our food, our kids and pets, our gorgeous Christmas trees still up (yep mine is and won’t be coming down anytime soon!). When are our posts going to go back to encouraging one another, lifting up one another on bad days, or asking for the delicious recipes?!?
I scroll through and see Christians lecturing other Christians, post after post of a “believer” posting more about their political party then about God. I see name calling and friendships even ending, because let’s be honest, words hurt!
“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones”
Proverbs 16:24
No one is ever going to change their views based on a post on social media! Especially if you are calling yourself a believer and then telling them their views are wrong. You know what that post is going to do … push someone away from Christianity!! Many people have their views from life experiences, education and current life situations. Respect them and their views. Even better, take it a step further and pray!
If you are trying to convince the world their political views are wrong, you are worshipping a false idol! Google defines worshipping a false idol, or idolatry, as the worshipping of an idol or cult image, being a physical image, such as a statue, or a person in place of God. In Abrahamic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam, idolatry connotes the worship of something or someone other than God as if it were God. If you are posting more about hatred and division, a specific political party or view; you are not putting God first in your life.
“Those who worship false gods turn their backs on all God’s mercies.”
Jonah 2:8
I’m a person who tries really hard to understand everyone and their views, whether they agree with me or not. But have found that most people posting on social media don’t want to have those civil, respectful conversations. Months ago, I asked a question to better understand someone’s thinking and got attacked. My views (which I don’t share publicly) and even my faith was being thrown at me. I was upset, cried a bit, and definitely had my light dimmed for a while, by another Christian! And the worst part, this was from someone close to me!
As Christians we are taught to put God first in our lives. For many of us we do that and it shows from the words we speak to the actions we take (to the posts on our social media). So then, why are there so many hate-filled, many of them political, posts floating around social media? We need to be spreading love, light and positivity in the world, all the things God brings to our lives! God is in control! No number of words on a page about politics, hate and division can change that!
I taught my youth group recently that sin is purposely disobeying God (outright, not trying to justify your actions to plead your case); and evil is the absence of love in one’s life. We show love by encouraging and building up, instead of criticizing, complaining and hurting. Read that all again. Then sit back and take a long look at what you are trying to accomplish in your everyday life! Are your posts and words a reflection of God, of love? Or are you encouraging a greater divide with more hatred? God is love! God is not hate, He is not judgement, He is not division.
“God is love! God is not hate, He is not judgement, He is not division”
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe that everyone should have the same opinion. In fact, our great country was built upon different opinions (have you watched “Hamilton”, if not you should!). But, it’s when we humble ourselves and open our hearts to understand each other, is when we can move past the hate. I see posts like “I wish people would understand the facts” but that’s it. What facts? Your facts as you see them (which is your opinion). And then if someone were to comment on that post trying to understand, that’s when the ugliness comes out. Or even better the posts like “If you don’t think {insert any issue here} then you are wrong!” Wait?!? What?!?
“Humility, I have learned, must never be confused with meekness. Humility is being open to the ideas of others”
Simon Sinek
Setting aside your need to be right, humbling yourself, and softening your heart is the first step to a world of kindness and love. It doesn’t mean we will all agree and have the same opinions, it means we all agree to respect each other and our opinions. We each walk a different path in life, we each have different life experience then the next person, this is what shapes us to be who we are. It’s what guides us to our beliefs. Discrediting a person’s beliefs is discrediting their life. Think about that!
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. … He that is void of wisdom despises his neighbor; but a man of understanding holds his peace.”
Proverbs 11:2, 12
Our kids and the next generation of Christians are watching us. This is a pivotal point in our Christian lives and how we react to the current environment. I want my kids to see a mother, despite the hurt and pain, the anxiety, stress and division, still turning to God and my faith. I want them to see an example of a faithful Christian putting their trust in her faith and God’s plan. I want to never post something and worry whether that may have not reflected love! And let’s remember, everything posted to the internet is there forever! We all have been reminded of that recently! Reminds you to think before you speak/post!
“If we don’t teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.”
I am a faithful disciple of Christ. I take my charge from God seriously. I believe that my calling in life is to spread His message throughout the world, bringing individuals to Christ and Christians closer to Him. I believe that doing this will bring more love to all around me, and that is how change will happen in life! I will never spread hate and division because I believe it will NEVER bring positive change to the world!
Our goal here isn’t to make everyone think and act the same. Our goal is to teach ourselves, others and our children that no one here on earth is in full control. We need to find a way to live in harmony with one another, despite having different opinions and beliefs. We need to find the common ground that we believe God is in full control; that our life here is temporary and the work here on earth is only to prepare our way to our everlasting life. Losing sight of this is when we find disparity, hatred and hurt.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age. “
Matthew 28: 19-20
Who is with me? Who is making the commitment now to begin/continue to spread God’s message of love and light throughout the world! Who is ready to lead a faithful life as a disciple of Christ? Let’s change the world now, together!
Linda J Henderson
I really admire you for bringing the true message of Jesus. I am a Jesus follower, but I don’t always do things right. I am guilty of posting political views when I shouldn’t.
I look forward to reading more…
Thank you Linda for your comment. I think a few political posts here and there are just fine, just remember who is first in your life – God! And what he would like to see on your social media! XOXO