Every morning I drop my 9 year old off at school and tell him two things: make good choices and be your best self.

I think being your best self is the simplest thing we could do but one we all seem to have trouble with. We put so much pressure on ourselves in life. Be the perfect housewife, throw the best parties, send your kids to school looking their best, have a clean, Pinterest perfect house. It’s crazy the stress we bring on ourselves each and every day.

Last year I wrote a post about having a word to live by for the year. Rather then making New Year’s Resolutions, I always choose a word of the year. You can read the full post here, but my word for 2019 was intentional. It’s an easy way to improve your life without getting frustrated when you fail on resolutions.

However, in 2020 I want to be the best person I can be. Not just improving my everyday, but also finding contentment with who I am.

Being Honest with who I am

My journey through motherhood has really been a struggle over the years. I’ve been hard on myself, trying to be the perfect woman. I’ve compared myself to other moms, upset when I just can’t do it all. Over the years it’s taken my happiness because I know I can’t be that perfect mom I’m trying to be.

I’m not the best housewife. I hate laundry and let it pile up until we are running out of underwear. Cooking is my least favorite chore and to be honest, I’m happy my husband does most of the cooking. But over the year’s I have been so hard on myself trying to live up to those who do everything!

And let’s not even talk about friendship! I am famous for not responding to a text in days! Mommy dinners and coffee dates are nonexistent most weeks and months. Girlfriends trips, what’s that?

Finding Contentment with myself this year

This year in order for me to be my best self I have to be honest with who I am. I have to be happy with myself. Yep, I’m not the perfect mom, but I am what my kids need me to be. I have a smile on my face, make memories with them, encourage them to be their best self and love them far beyond what I could ever imagine.

Comparing myself to other moms isn’t doing anything for myself because those moms are who my kids need! I am who they need and love.

I’m never going to be the wife who never has piles of dirty laundry, who have amazing planned out dinners waiting for my husband when he comes home. But I support my husband, I make him laugh, I frustrate him and with all that he still loves me for me! Why do I need to be someone else, he married me, not them!

And my friends still love me! They know that even though I may not text them right back, I am always thinking about them. When they need me I will drop everything and be there for there. And let’s be honest, if someone asked me to go on a girl’s trip, I’d probably make it happen!

Learning how to be my best self

Taking all this and putting it together is going to give me my best self. I try everyday to already be kind to everyone I meet, I pray daily, I try to eat healthy and work out when I can (let’s be honest, when I want to!). So taking all those out of the equation, being my best self is working on myself from the inside out.

This year I am going to do just that! I am going to be happy with myself from the inside out and live my best self. I’m not going to stress myself because I slept in this morning and didn’t get up and start my day before the sun. Instead I will realize that my body needed the sleep and becuase I did that I will be more awake and energized to live that day with my kids and husband.

My house isn’t clean? No need to stress about it! Maybe my kids need me to watch a movie, read a book with them or just to be in the moment.

This year join me in being your best self. Living each day to YOUR best, not your friends or neighbors. Going to bed each night, happy with your day, not having regrets from things you didn’t do or how your mood was that day. But instead, sleep well knowing you lived your best self that day.

Will you have bad days, sure will because we are not perfect, we are humans. But that’s ok. Let it go, tomorrow is a new day to be your best self!

Finding Inspiration and Support

Many of us are trying our best and would love to be happy with ourselves, but it’s so hard. So many outside forces screaming at us. If you would like to go on this journey to be your best self with me I would love to share with your my weekly emails. This year, starting this month I will be sending out a weekly email each Sunday evening with positive quotes and thoughts to help you get through the week. Print them out or save them to your phone to refer back to throughout the week. You can sign up here to start receiving emails.

Our goal this year is to be contently happy with the person we are. To be proud of the woman, mother, wife we are. To no longer compare ourselves to others, but love who we are. I wrote I post about this before, here, about being who you are.

Together, let’s make 2020 our best year yet! Let’s be our best selves, happy, content and satisfied. Be your best self!