Today has been one of those Mondays…very blah! Nothing too exciting has happened and I haven’t really been up to doing anything! Until the mail came and I had a surprise check in the mail for $42 from! YAY! I know, it’s not very much (especially when my last check was over $100) but it was a surprise that I wasn’t expecting!  I haven’t really been shopping much lately on the Internet so I wasn’t surprised that it was a smaller check, but I was happy it was something. Now I can plan a trip to the bank tomorrow and deposit my check into savings! Did you get your ebates check this week, how did you spend it?

If you want to get checks in the mail too head on over to and sign up for free. Hundreds of merchants will give you cash back on your online purchases! It’s great…especially if you already shop online for tons of your items! Check it out!