To my dearest teenage daughter,

You are my superhero!

Why? Because you are amazing! In this world where you are bombarded all day long by outside forces, you still are you!

From social media to classmates at school, everyone wants you to be someone else. Change your hair, dress in different clothes, talk a different way, watch certain movies and shows. But you block out those whispers from Satan and continue to be who you are.

You are outspoken when you need to be and quiet when the time calls. You know what is right and what is wrong and not afraid to correct someone when the situation calls for it.

You are a true Christian and not afraid to shout it from the rooftops. You love Jesus, the Bible and spreading His message. In a time when youth your age are embarrassed to speak His message to others, you are not! You live each day as a true disciple and not only am I proud, but I know God is too.

You’re a true friend. You are honest when need be and supportive when the time is right. You are a good listener, nonjudgemental and above all a great role model. You take the time from your busy schedule to spend when a friend is in need. You pray for them and love them all for who they are.

School is tough! It’s nothing like when I was growing up. Yet you work hard each and every day. You buckle down, do what’s required and make amazing grades. You study hard, communicate with your teachers and are a star student, even when it’s not easy.

You care! You volunteer your time to those in need. You pray for people and places that need extra love. You work hard to be a servant and God’s hands here on earth.

You’re a fighter! Live hasn’t thrown you the easiest pitches, but you have swung at everyone and hit each and every one of them! You are strong, brave and admire you for each battle you have tackled. You aren’t afraid to fight them head-on, win or lose, you refuse to back down!

You love with all your heart. Whether it’s your family or friends or an acquaintance from school, you love them! You give your relationships 100% and nothing less.

Parenting is tough, the world is nothing like it was when I was growing up. But together you and I have made our way through this madness. It’s not an easy road, there are lots of potholes and forks, but we’ve always found our way back.

I love our talks, our laughs and our time together. I love that on days we don’t agree, where voices are raised and tempers are high, we are able to put those behind us and have a better next day.

In a world where it’s easier to complain and get frustrated with life, I have you to show me that there’s something that better. You are always the sunshine after the storm, the rainbow in my eyes!

You are rocking this life! You are amazing! You are you and no one else and I’m so glad to call you my daughter! So continue to love life! Continue to be you and no one else. Continue to stand out in this world, continue to be a leader, continue to rock these teenage years. You’ve got this life and strive each and every day to be better. And I, your mom, couldn’t be more proud of the young women you are!

Never doubt yourself! Never try to change, because you are amazing the way you are! And most of all, be proud of who you are, cause I think you’re extraordinary! My own personal superhero!