The other day I was standing in a HUGE line at a local store buying shredded grass for my son’s Easter basket. I was looking around at everyone in the store with their shopping carts filled to the top with tons of Easter basket items, new Easter baskets, filler grass, plastic eggs, etc. and thought to myself, WOW!

Our family tries hard to be as green as we can, but we also try to be as thrifty as we can. Our Easter traditions don’t cost much money at all. We are rather religious and most of our day revolves around Easter service. I have bought the girls dresses in the past, but always on sale and with a coupon! This year I wanted all 3 kids to match, so I bought material (on sale with a coupon!) and made 3 outfits for Easter. The kids got more compliments this year then ever before! The Easter bunny comes to our house but only brings small items that fit in their Easter baskets. This year all 3 kids got a book, our oldest got an iTunes gift card, and the 2 youngest got new toothbrushes and toothpaste (bought on sale with coupons, are you finding a pattern?!) The Easter baskets are pretty nice, I have decorated each one differently and we reuse the grass inside each one every year. We don’t let the kids eat much candy, so the Easter bunny (and Santa Claus) bring the kids fruit (organic!) in their basket. And they couldn’t be more happier!

Over the years we have somehow collected plastic Easter eggs. I guess we go to different places for egg hunts and have just kept the eggs. We have a big box full of eggs now. In fact this year, the girls went through and got 10 eggs of 3 different colors out to leave for the bunny. Each kids was a different color and the bunny hid them according to their age and difficulty. I haven’t bought plastic eggs in years!!

So you see, I don’t spend much money on Easter. My question is, do you? On what and why? Wouldn’t it be great to buy a nice Easter basket for each kid and pass it through the years, and when they are old enough give it to them. They would have so money memories, and you aren’t forking out tons of money each year on a new one! Share with me readers! I am curious!!