It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is the final day of 2018. It’s like just yesterday we were welcoming it in with open arms, setting our resolutions and getting excited for what the year was going to bring us. I am sad to see 2018 go, I know that’s not usually popular among people, but it’s the honest trust.

2018 was great to my family and I. I worked out of the house off and on and learned a lot about myself and my family through these experiences. I learned that being a mom was my greatest passion, that working outside the home is not something I crave to do at this point in my life. I enjoy getting up and getting my kids to school, taking them to appointments, sitting in car lines and listening first hand on the ride home how their school day was. I’m in not rush to head back to work outside the house full time. Financially it was great for our family and we enjoyed the additional money, but we also learned that we have lived on a budget for so long, continuing for awhile is just fine!

We made some amazing memories as a family this year. We enjoyed a Disney world trip for Spring Break and celebrated my son’s birthday there. We enjoyed another year serving our Lord through our mission trip, something we look forward to every year as a family. We enjoyed a two week cross country car trip and the Grand Canyon, a trip that will forever be listed as a top in our kids lives. We enjoyed a new first, riding the Polar Express ride, something the kids have been asking to do for years now.

And let’s not forget all the milestone birthday’s we celebrated in our family this year. My husband and I both turned 40! A milestone I was anxious about, but one I am excited now, thinking about all the amazing life I have ahead of me. We watched out first baby become an adult, turning 18 this year and voting for the first time! And tomorrow we will be celebrating our youngest daughter turning 13! Yes I will have two teenage girls in my house! Yikes!

As everything in life we turn the page and move on. We close one chapter and open the next, sometimes anxious and sometimes happy. Our family has begun to enjoy every detail of each day, making sure we make memories, cherish them and feel joyful for the time God has given us. As I am sad to see 2018 close, I hold each memory and smile close to my heart. And I open the next chapter, 2019, excited to make more memories, ones that I will cherish as well.

As you look to 2019, take a moment to reflect on 2018. Maybe it wasn’t one you want to remember, but think about what you learned, what you are going to change. Each year is just a part of a life you want to live, be intentional, making each day, good and bad purposeful. God has graced you with a life, you wake up each day, start it new and make it count. After reflecting on 2018 I thought it would be hard to top it, but I am determined to make 2019 even better! Join me in saying good bye to 2018, turning the page and starting 2019 intentionally! Here’s to a year of memory making!