Happy Good Friday!

If you are anything like me and my kids, over the years we have always wondered why do they call it Good Friday? What is so good about Jesus dying on the cross? Taken so harshly from this world, suffering so much. I will tell you why.

Good Friday comes with so many emotions. Despair, sadness, anger, confusion, love and excitement. This has always been one of my most favorite days during Holy Week. There’s such emotion, maybe it’s all of them rolled up inside, but the emotions make me anxious. I know the story, I know the ending, and the ending is pretty amazing. But first we have to face today. It makes me think about my own life. There’s struggles along the way, there’s days I want to forget, there’s anger, sadness, lots of happiness and joy but I know the ending to my own story too.

The cross, our faith

As Christians, our way to God and our faith is brought to us through the cross. Easter is clearly about the empty tomb and the joy it brings us, but before the tomb, it must be about the cross.

What does the cross mean to you? Let me tell you what it means to me. The cross to me is not just a symbol of God, to me it is God. It is a reminder that He loves me, that He forgives me, that He believes I am one-of-a-kind special to him. Coming to the cross is accepting God in your life.

The cross represents our faith in God. Jesus is the ultimate example of faith in God. He completely placed Himself in His father’s hands, and we draw strength in that. His faith is the prime example of where our faith should be in God. The cross represents this, and our journey to a faith like Jesus’.

Our story comes with a happy ending

Jesus knew His story from the beginning. It was written out for all to know through prophets and God. He knew His own ending, and yet walked into Jerusalem on Sunday, washed the feet of His disciples on Thursday and carried His cross on Friday. Knowing His story, He still put all His faith and belief in His father, God.

And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.

2 Corinthians 5:15

Our story is already laid out. God knows our story. And although we don’t get to see through prophets each and every page, we still put our faith in God. We live our lives knowing that our ending is just as amazing.

Using the cross to bring others to God

I love sharing my faith walk story with others. It’s not extravagant like others, but it’s one filled with faith. I’m not eloquent or confidant like Jesus when He preached. But I love sharing my cross. I love giving other’s hope. Each year, during Holy Week, I love to reflect on my life. I love to look back and see how and what I did to grow as a Christian.

Don’t shine so that others can see you. Shine, so that through you, others can see Him.

C.S. Lewis

Jesus shared his faith with everyone He could. Even on the cross he was compassionate, forgiving even those who crucified Him. In pain, on the cross, He laid it all out for us. The least we can do is live each day, sharing the cross with others.

Good Friday brings us hope

Friday isn’t full of sadness but full of hope. God brings us hope. All we need to do is believe it and trust it, as did Jesus. Our story doesn’t end, just like Jesus’ didn’t end on the cross. The page turned, ours will too! Jesus was victorious, we will be too.

There is more to be learned at the foot of the cross than anywhere else in the world.

J.C Ryle

Each chapter I live will one day be concluded with an amazing ending. Just like this story. Today think about your story as you reflect on Jesus’ story.