Ever have one of those days? You know what I’m talking about, every time you turn around something wrong happens, you run out of time during the day so your to-do list is longer then what you started with, kids are all grumpy so you become moody. You don’t have food in the fridge because you haven’t had time (or money) to grocery shop for the week. You know exactly what I’m talking about, in fact, you may of have the same kind of day today or yesterday.

Unfortunately, both, yesterday and today was just that, and today worse because I hadn’t gotten over yesterday! So this evening after my temper tantrum (I’ve always had them, don’t judge!) I got to run an errand by myself, yes, that’s alone with no kids!! It wasn’t long, but I got to thinking about all the things I am grateful for. I needed to mentally make my list to help my mind and heart transform. I needed to realize that even on bad days I have things to be grateful for.

My abbreviated list of my grateful items

I’m grateful for my health, both physically and mentally. I’m able to run my kids around all day to and from school and activities, I’m able to remember where they go and when.

I’m grateful for my kids. They keep me young, they love me unconditionally, even on my bad days.

I’m grateful for my husband. He loves me for me, supports me in all my adventures and never second-guesses me. He loves me during my temper tantrums (One of our first times we actually talked in high school was during one of my temper tantrums!! See they aren’t always a bad thing!)

I am grateful for my friends. I have many of them, some very new, while my best friend and I have been friends for 30+ years. I have friends who I can vent to during my stressful SAH mommy moments, while others I can vent to about business problems. But all of them are special!

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.

Eckhart Tolle

I’m grateful for my church. Do I need to elaborate?!?! My church is my second home, filled with so many who I consider family. I have grown my faith at my church, which is what helps me get through the bad days. Without my church, church family and my faith; I’m not sure I would be able to get through some of those bad days.

Why it’s important to have a grateful heart

Unfortunately, on our worst days it’s hard to come up with a list. Our kids can sometimes cause us major stress, on those days we probably don’t want to put them on our list. Somedays may be so hard the only thing on our list may be the sun shining, or the clouds in the sky! And that’s ok!

I have found though that having a grateful heart keeps us having a happy life. Days that we don’t find the gratefulness keeps us in a negative frame of mind. A positive mind leads to a positive, happy life.

Don’t know how to start, or need some accountability? I have found that keeping a journal, like this one, is a great way to start. I have also found this journal is amazing, making you accountable daily for an entire year!

So next time you have one of those days, take a few minutes (probably in the bathroom away from the kids) and list, either mentally or on paper, of all the things you are grateful for. And then smile, because your life is a great one!