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Disclaimer: I am not a physician or claim to be. I am sharing what works for our family. Please always consult your family physician or pediatrician.

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Germs are everywhere! If you have school-aged kids you know they are exposed to so many different germs in a day.

I also have a college-aged child who ended up getting the crud the first few weeks of school. She was miserable and it wasn’t the best way to start college off.

I want to share with you what works for us at our house. I stumbled on to these vitamins two years ago when my son came down with the flu. He ends up getting the flu every year, even with the flu shot. So I wanted to make sure he got over it fast!

Elderberry! Elderberry vitamins are amazing! I did the research and elderberry is amazing for your immune system!

As you all know, we are a healthy family. We try to keep things all-natural when we can. So when I was looking for Elderberry vitamins I found out Zarbees made them. I jumped on these. I love Zarbees brand and their products, we’ve used a couple of them in the past.

My kids take these vitamins every day. My oldest takes them at college every day, religiously. She ran out of them once and called me telling me she felt herself getting sick. I shipped them that day!

My youngest is only 9 (and a tiny 9) so he still takes the children’s size. I give him 1 in the morning before school and 1 in the afternoon when he gets home. My youngest daughter ends up taking all 3 of hers in the afternoon because the morning before school is not her friend.

I myself take them when I feel myself coming down with something. I don’t take them every day because I already take other vitamins and use essential oils.

If you would like to boost your kid’s immune system this winter, keep the germs away and kids in school, grab some! Both Amazon and Target have them.

Updated: Amazon currently has a $2 off sale on the regular Elderberry vitamins here