Have you recently looked in a mirror and thought I do not look my age! Wow, I look younger! Well I do it a lot!

About 14 months ago I was not happy with my skin. Spots and wrinkles! Lots of them. So I went to the internet and friends and began my research. I was not happy with the products I was buying from the drugstore. They were filled with tons of chemicals and fillers and the results were obviously not what I wanted.

I wanted products that had clean ingredients. Meaning I wanted to put on my face things that were not going to hurt my body. I wanted to use products that had amazing results!

After much research and talking with friends I found a company that checked off every box I had, EVER skincare. EVER follows strict rules. They have a never – ever list of ingredients they do not use in any of their products. Instead we have a “Yes Please List” which includes natural minerals, botanical extracts, powerful peptides, and patented formulas at the forefront of innovation.

In addition, their products work! I use a regimen which includes a face wash, exfoliant, treatment and moisturizer. After a week of purging, 2 weeks of restoring, and then 2 weeks of transforming you will see amazing results. And it doesn’t just stop there, over time it continues to get even better! Gorgeous face that you don’t need filters with!

I have been using my regimen for a year now and the results are absolutely amazing! Below are my year comparison. The before photo on the left is a face covered in make-up and you can still see age/sun spots; wrinkles around my mouth, eyes and forehead; and puffy and dark eyes.

Now look at the amazing after results on the right. The only makeup I have on is mascara! In addition, age/sun spots are less noticeable, wrinkles are less noticeable all over, and look at my eyes! I don’t look tired at all!!

No filter and no makeup! YES PLEASE!

My skincare regimen takes me less than 5 minutes both morning and night! Less than 5 minutes with such amazing results. They say your self esteem improves when you feel better about yourself. It’s so very true! I would never of walked out of my house to see people with nothing on my face but mascara, but now I do it everyday! I’m happy and take selfies with my girls all the time now!

There is a regimen line for all different types of skin: oily, dry, normal or combination! It’s amazing, a line of products just for you. What other company does that for you? But don’t take my word for it here’s another review for you.

Skincare is an investment! We put our face out there each and everyday, the first thing people see. Shouldn’t you make sure it’s in great condition?!? I love my investment, and so happy with the results. I will never look at another skincare product again that doesn’t have EVER skincare on it.

Are you ready to make the switch? Learn more about EVER skincare and where to begin. We have an amazing tool on our website, bottom right of the homepage, Beauty Consultant, will help you on where to begin. Jump over and take the quiz! And want to learn more, jump in on some giveaways and have some fun, join my Facebook VIP group.

Want to have fun with your friends and earn free and discounted products contact me and host your own quick online beauty bar!!

Take the leap, this is one thing you won’t regret doing for yourself!!