Can you believe it’s been about 6 years since I have done anything with this blog? Where I have been you ask, well let’s see….
My kid’s have grown! 

My oldest is driving! What?!? Yes, she is a rising junior and looking at colleges (waste of time since the only school she wants to go to is UVA and she will easily get in there!) She still plays travel soccer which keeps us all very busy. 

My middle one is starting middle school this fall! Oh my! She’s not our athlete but she supports her siblings in everything they do. She has found her passion, sign language. She takes private lessons and has learned so much and wants to do this for a living! 

My youngest is now 7, in school full time (going into second grade) and now starting sports this year (we had him in sports, it was too much with 3 kids so he took a year off)

As a family, we have stayed busy. Continue to be a large part of our church, volunteering and staying active in all groups, youth, children and missions. We have started going each summer (this will be our 4th year) as a family along with 25 others from our church to attend a mission in Beverly, Kentucky to Red Bird Missions in August. We love our week serving there and love it! 

So why am I back you ask? Well, Ruffles and Bow Ties is growing. I have started doing the larger craft bazaars in my area, I have opened a second shop which is all my housewares. I have opened a Shopify shop to reach those who don’t want to shop on Etsy (can you believe there are some who just don’t like Etsy!). I started a blog for the my business, you can visit here. I am never the best at constantly posting on any blog, but I found that while I was posting on my business blog I had so many ideas. I had ideas about posts about kids and parenting, about being a mommy this day in age and how it compares to our moms, about school and our kids, about life and faith and I really could keep going on and on. All these ideas were floating in my head and they just didn’t feel the vibe I had going on with that blog. So I thought, well I have another one, lets get that back up and going! I’m back!

I’ll be posting regularly now on this blog, more so to clear my head of all my thoughts and opinions. I’ll still post some savings tips, still post about my simplest life and even refer to my other blog here and there. 

I’m really excited to be back! I hope you are excited to read more about my nutty life! And I hope you share with your friends, I would love to share with everyone!