I know, not really. I haven’t (yet) written anything fictional or non-fiction but give me time!

Last year I started selling my scripture writing plans as printable here on the blog and in my Etsy shop. They have become a hit and I wanted to go even further with them. During my (not so much) spare time I started designing journals to use with the 30-day scripture writing plans. This past week, with the help of my 12-year-old, I was able to upload them and begin my new journey as an Amazon author!

I’m really excited about these journals, and I have so many more in the works that will be published this year. My hope is to have a yearlong (or maybe even longer) series of these gorgeous journals.

In addition, I have begun working on some new ideas as well to offer in my Author shop on Amazon. I know to many this is just a next step, nothing too exciting, but for me it’s so much more. I pour my heart out here on the blog to so many over the years, hoping my struggles and triumphs make everyone feel like they have a friend. And now, I get to take this next step into sharing more of my heart.

Scripture writing has meant a lot to me over the years. As a young mother with kids, I wasn’t’ able to spend a ton of time each day with the Lord. Finding 10 minutes a day to scripture write was just what I needed. Throughout the years I’ve been able to spend more time studying God’s word, but I still turn back to my journals as not just resources but comfort.

I hope these journals become that to others. Whether you are just starting out studying God’s word or have read the Bible through thousands of times, I pray these journals find you comfort as well.

And when I take a bigger leap into actual book writing, believe me, my faithful blog readers will be the first to know!! But for now, check out my journals on Amazon!!