Here you are heading into your first set of exams as a college student! It’s hard to believe that just almost 5 months ago I was dropping you off and cried my way home! There’s so much that I’ve wanted to share with you over this time but kept to myself because I want you to figure out this adulting thing on your own.

You’ve conquered everything possible these first 5 months at school. You found your favorite dining hall, found your favorite library and study spot.

You and your roommate have had many late nights together, not all studying thanks to Tik Tok. You’ve found a new set of friends, ones who won’t replace your childhood ones, but ones that will get you through the next 4 years.

You’ve run into issues and figured them out on your own. You’ve found your knees and prayed in both good times and bad. You’ve remembered where you come from and who you are and shared that with those around you instead of changing to fit in.

Your dad and I are so proud of you for conquering this college thing! But that’s given, we are always proud of you. My hope, though, is that you are proud of yourself.

Reflect and be proud

As you wrap up these last few week of your first semester, don’t stress. Study like you always have, hang out with your friends, and relax. You are going to do great!

Look back at what you’ve done and reflect. Are there changes you want to make next semester? Are there things you would do differently? What did you love about this semester? But most importantly look back and be proud of yourself!

College is going to pass by so quickly. You’ve been looking forward to these days for so long. Remember to enjoy them too. Study hard, make those great grades, but enjoy your free time as well.

So breath, don’t stress. Grab a Starbucks and conquer those exams like you have conquered the world. Be proud of yourself, walk with your head high knowing that you are doing an amazing job!

We love you to the moon and back! Show those exams who’s boss!