In a few short days you will be returning to school after almost 18 months! In that time you closed the chapter on one part of your life and started another, not the way you wanted, but you did!

When I look at you I see the excitement you exude, but I also see the nervousness and fear behind the smile. And I want you to know it’s ok!

Being nervous is nothing you should be ashamed of. Nervous means you care, you really want to do well.

Paula Creamer

Let’s be honest, walking through those doors in a few days won’t be the same when you walked out of them 18 months ago. For one, they are different doors, but the biggest change was in life and you!

Your generation has had and continues to have to live in a life we, as parents and adults, will never understand. Our biggest fear attending school was whether or not we studied enough for our test! I can’t imagine navigating high school while trying to find yourself and be your genuine self all the time, worried about where in each classroom you have to hide from an intruder, metal detectors, bullies, fake friends, boys/girls, relationships, face masks and vaccines, health check-ins and let’s not forget everyone’s opinions!

Life is hard for adults to navigate through these days. We lose friends over posts on social media. People are harsh if you disagree with their opinions because you happen to know the facts. And we has adults and parents are throwing you, our precious gifts, into this world like fresh meat in a lions den!


I want you to know it’s ok! It’s ok to be both nervous and brave. It’s ok to be anxious and gracious. It’s ok to make mistakes, upset friends, walk away from situations. It’s ok to ask for help when you can’t figure a problem or situation out. It’s ok to cry and be the comforting friend.

Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.

Paulo Coelho

You see here’s the thing, I don’t have all the answers either. I’m trying my best at everything: life, parenting, all of it! And here’s the real kicker….so is everyone else! Don’t let ANYONE tell you they know, because they don’t. We all are walking around with a brave face on while hiding our nervousness and fear.

There is no handbook to life. There’s a ton of helpful advice, but sometimes it’s not what works for you, so you move on to the next. We learn from our mistakes, pick ourselves back up and continue to try and figure out our lives.

Remember when you were little and you would fall while running down the driveway. I would let you pick yourself up off the ground, hug you and tell you it will be ok! And you would go back to running. That’s just like high school, let’s be honest, life! You’re going to “fall” and that’s ok! Some “falls” will hurt more than others, but ALWAYS pick yourself up. Get your hug, be reminded you are loved and move on. Learn from your lesson and grow as a person. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, we all fall, we all pick ourselves up and we all move forward.

You can fall, but you can rise also.

Angelique Kidjo

When you walk into that school this week, remind yourself it’s ok to be nervous! Because deep down every single person walking through those doors is nervous in their own way. You are not alone!!

I’m proud of you, how you’ve grown into a strong, resilient, loving teenager. Life is hard, remember that! But put on your shield and brave this crazy life!!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God, is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

I’m so proud of you! Give this year everything you got! Own your emotions and know they are validated. Tackle this year, you will be great!!