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Updated: We have an amazing winner, Sarah, who won this great devotion. If you didn’t win this month’s giveaway, stay tuned for the next giveaway. If you would like to purchase the devotion for yourself, click here, you won’t regret it!

Over the year’s this blog has evolved somewhat. I’ve written about a number of things and many times gone off on tangents. But I have found that I am most comfortable writing about motherhood and being a strong, Christian woman in this day in age.

It is hard today to live a happy life. We compare ourselves to others; we hold ourselves at such a high standard it’s hard to live up to; and Pinterest isn’t a place for ideas but more of a stressful bulletin on how to have a perfect life.

It’s taken me a while now to figure out how to live a truly happy, simple life. And I’m still learning day by day. Each day, each year I continue to learn what works for me. And what does work for me, doesn’t work for everyone. What I have learned though is that a lot of being happy as a wife, mother, and woman, it all begins with your thinking.

My favorite devotion for self-improvement

And that is why I am so excited about this month and offering you this amazing giveaway. I have had the privilege of knowing this amazing woman, Renee Beamer, for many years, and she has offered a signed copy to this month’s giveaway winner. You can learn more about Renee here on her site, and browse/purchase some of her gorgeous items!

So, you want to win, right! What do you have to do? Well super simple! All you have to do is sign up for my newsletter! And don’t worry, I don’t send out tons of emails, just fun information! Click here to join (or join below!) and you’re entered into this month’s giveaway. So easy! Good Luck!

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Great devotion to use for 2020 to live your best life

This devotion is great to use for the year if you are joining me in being your best self (you can find the post here). It all starts from within when we are on this journey. Grab this devotion now and add it to your daily reading. You won’t regret it.