It’s FRIDAY and I have my Five Friday Favorites!

It’s been months since I have shared a blog post. Sometimes we need to step aside and take a break and this summer was just that.

I’ve sat back for months and watched things unfold in the world. I’ve found myself upset, anxious and let’s be honest worried about the future. I’ve remained silent in hopes that God’s plan would step in sooner than I hoped. But the other day, someone told me I need to use my platform to share His message. That sometimes living in love isn’t just the only thing we can do.

So I am back! And today I’m sharing some positivity! NO POLITICS and NO HATE! So here are my Five Friday Favorites for this week!

Friday Favorites

My first favorite is FALL DECOR! We got up in the attic and grabbed our fall boxes. Wednesday my youngest daughter and I started putting out our fall decor! Oranges and pumpkins – yes please! I love this season and now I love my simple fall decorated house!

Virtual School!! My kids are currently attending school from my dining room on their Chromebook. Why is this my favorite? Because even with the added stress it brings to our daily lives, I know they are safe. I get to be more involved in their everyday. Today we talked about manners on Zoom meetings and that even though we are virtual, you still use yes ma’am and no ma’am, not YEAH. I get to have lunch with them every day. We get to have real conversations about school and daily lives. I get to help them with skills like organization and note taking and urgency not procrastination. I even get to take a walk in the middle of the morning for our daily recess break! Could it get any better??

Virtual School - Friday Favorite
One of my Friday Favorites – Virtual school!!

Reruns of my favorite TV shows! A lot of time the tv in our living room is either on cartoons or just for background noise. But in the late afternoon and evening when we are done with school, we watch reruns of our favorite shows. The Office, Friends, and The Big Bang Theory! I love re-watching these shows and I’ve probably seen them all a hundred times. I once read an article (here’s a similar one) that people who have anxiety tend to watch the same shows over and over again. Yep, that’s me! I love watching these shows, laughing at the comedy and never being anxious about what is going to happen! Yay for comedies!

Family Time! Even after 6 months of social distancing I love all the family time we have! My oldest choose not to return to campus this semester and even though she is always busy, we get to spend so much time with her! My husband works all the time still, being a firefighter/medic and ED tech, but because we don’t have sports or activities in the evenings we get to have family evenings together. I have enjoyed it all, and haven’t gotten bored or tired of them. Yes, we do take our time a lot (the kids and I are all introverts) but we still love spending time together!

Dinners!! During this time at home I was able to teach my teen girls how to meal plan and grocery shop from the plan. I have watched them work together planning, shopping and cooking. And then we all sit down every evening and have dinner together! This has always been a big thing in our house, we sit around the table and have dinner together. But the added bit of the girls help in the kitchen and the additional time we get for dinner is great! No rushing off to activities or sports! Family dinners have always and continue to be a favorite part of my day!

Some of the most important conversations I’ve ever had occurred at my family’s dinner table.

Bob Ehrlich

What are your Friday Favorites?

I know to some of you these are tiny little things. But I think it’s important to find the positives each and everyday.. Small and large, each blessing is a gift to your life. Some days my positive is being able to take a quiet shower. I challenge you this week to look for the positive in each and every day. Share with me your Friday Favorites! I promise you, adding in the positivity in your life will change it!

Make a game of finding something positive in every situation. 95% of our emotions are determined by how you interpret events to yourself.

Brian Tracy

I’m glad I’m back, I’m grateful for being able to take the break I did and still have my followers and the Blog bringing so much to my life and my families life. Check back often I have a lot of things planned in the next coming weeks! DIYS, life and so much more!! Happy Friday friends + have a wonderful weekend!