This week I wanted to do a roundup of the week of all my favorite things. Sometimes we just need to take a step back and find the positive in our lives. More so now then ever! So here are this weeks Friday faves.

Every Sunday evening still meeting

This week was filled with some great times! I have kept part of my normal routine by meeting with my youth group on Sundays evenings still. It may look different, and may not be the same meeting but I still get to see their smiling faces! Every Sunday evening we have a Zoom meeting, talk about how we are doing and even throw in a little scripture lesson. It gives me peace, I know it gives them comfort and it continues our routine!

Cyber school is becoming normal

We are starting to get in to a routine with cyber schooling, playing and working from home. It is definitely different than my normal days of working at home, but we are beginning to get it. We haven’t missed a Zoom meeting, we’ve gotten all the assignments completed and we are not losing our minds!

I think the hardest part is turning it off. This week we began to set times. Each day we begin at a certain time and then we turn it off at a certain time. Otherwise, we found that we think about school/work all day and we just can’t stop working on it. Setting the times is great, especially when you have older kids (teens and college students).

My baby turned 10

We celebrated a birthday!! My son, (my baby!) turned 10 this week! WOW! I still don’t think I can get use to that yet. What kind of 10th birthday is being locked up, away from your friends and family going to be? Well we made sure we would make this day special for him!

The girls and I created a 20 minute (10 clue) scavenger hunt around the house and outside. He loved it! Each clue was wrapped in a gift box and took him a while to finish the scavenger hunt. He loved it. In addition to the scavenger hunt we created a laser tag course in the hallway that he had to go through almost every other clue. He loved it! In addition, we also put up hanging balloons in the doorway. So fun!

He already knew his biggest gift, an Ipod touch. In our house, each kid gets one on their 10th birthday. He was so excited. For his birthday dinner, we couldn’t go out to dinner like usual, so we ordered and picked up from a small business Mexican restaurant in our area. So yummy!

My kids are not normal, none of them like cake or cupcakes. My oldest only eats cookie cakes, my middle one is super picky and I’ve made her cinnamon rolls for the past two years. My baby boy changes his mind like his clothes and so this year he asked for a cheesecake. The best I could do was a store bought one from Target! But he loved it and didn’t complain! We group FaceTimed by family and everyone got to sing to him and watch him blow out his candles.

It was definantly not the birthday we originally planned, but we made the best of it we could. And we I tucked him in to bed that night, he told me it was a great day! Mission accomplished.

I don’t know when we will get to have a party for him. It’s his 10th, a big one, so he gets a party. It may be this summer, or maybe in the fall, but I promised him one and he will get it! But for now, he was happy with what we could do. And my baby is 10, no excuse me while I go cry again for a bit!

Tackling my to-do list

I am knocking stuff off my to-do list and loving it! I have a long list of things I want done around the house. It’s been years since I did any improvements, so now is the time. I finished my front door and it makes me so happy now! You can find the post about it here.

I began working on my oldest daughter’s bedroom. It hasn’t been updated in a very long time and much overdue. It was suppose to be done while she was at school and surprised her when she came home after the semester, but that of course didn’t happen. So she gets to help and it some great time away from her schoolwork. And I promise, a blog post about it will come when it’s fully complete.

My husband (and family) are healthy

My husband is healthy!!! I haven’t really shared much about this on the blog, a bit on my FB page (here), but nothing really on the blog. My husband is fighting this on the front line. He’s a firefighter and medic in the local ER. He works everyday and is around this nasty virus nonstop.

We pray every day he stays healthy so he can continue to fight this fight for everyone. We pray (and have taken so many new precautions) that he doesn’t bring it home to any of us. Our prayers have been answered (and hopefully will continue to be).

I pray you can find your faves this week

During this time when lives are just not normal and everyone is going crazy, I believe it’s important to find the positive in life. Each and every day can be a struggle to get through, find something to be happy about. Due to my husbands job, my kids have been locked up in the house for weeks now, we didn’t want to spread anything unknowingly. But they have still been able to keep sane. Everyday they go for a walk, they’ve done more Tic-Tocs than ever, we’ve watched movies together and started a new series together, and so much more.

I pray that each and every one of you can look back on this week and find at least 5 positive things from the week. Even something small, but something. Share with me below! I’d love to hear your favorite moments from this week! Happy Friday everyone!