Why is it so hard to trust in God’s Plan?

This question has come up a lot lately, especially in the past few months with everything going on in the world.

I’ve talked to many friends who ask me why God would plan to hold us up in our house as the world fights a deadly virus. Why are so many humans hurting from racism and hatred?

Any given day of the week we can find hurt in our world and in our own lives.

I have a few answers to this question, but those will come later. I want to talk today about putting our trust in God’s plan.

Letting go of control to put your trust in God’s plan

For so many Christians, this is actually a hard concept. Trusting in something we don’t know, something we have no control over at all. When we are born we aren’t given a road map of our life. We grow up and have dreams and plans for our lives. And when those dreams and plans don’t happen, things go astray, we tend to get upset. Sometimes even upset with God!

I’ve taught my kids and my youth students to trust in God’s plan for them. But it’s a hard concept for so many young, even seasoned, Christians to understand.

I came to realize in my early twenties to trust that God had my best interest in His plan. I was one of those kids who had my life map planned out. I went to college and graduated with a double major. I wanted to go to grad school, find a great job and eventually marry after I traveled a bit. I never wanted kids, was happy by myself with the freedom to do what I wanted. It sounded like the perfect life, and I was ready to jump on that road and conquer it.

Then jumps in God! He basically said to me, no way!! You have it all wrong!

I found myself pregnant right after I graduated from college. I had my daughter and for years was a single working mom. Remember my plan: I didn’t want kids! It took me a few months to jump onto the new life God gave me. But I remember one night sitting with my screaming baby, both of us in tears, and God saying, come back to me! Come back and love me and I will take care of you!

When everything seems like it’s falling apart that’s when God is putting things together just the way he wants is.


I never strayed too far from God throughout the years, but I promise you this, we were not best friends for a while! I blamed Him for a lot of negative, awful things that happened in my life.

After that night I found my way back to Him. I devoted my life to Him. Started going back to church, praying more and spending my time with Him. It was during this time that I felt peace in giving my life to Him. In giving control to Him.

Isn’t that what all this is about? Ultimately putting our trust in God’s plan, whether it’s our personal plan or the plan for our world, it’s letting go of control ourselves.

Like I mentioned before, we aren’t given a road map of our lives at birth. We have no clue what is going to happen to us, to the world, to life; today, tomorrow or 5 years from now. This year, 2020, has made that evident! But we do know that through Christ it will all be ok.

My kids still have trouble with putting their trust in God’s plan, that’s normal. They are young. But starting them now, talking through problems and praying with them about trusting God is how to teach them.

We as humans are not in full control of the world. And sometimes we need that reminder in life. I believe God needed to remind us this. I believe many of us Christians have become so busy with societal issues and norms we have strayed away from God. We spend time driving from activity to activity, sitting in front of the tv watching Netflix, gossiping with our friends about our neighbors, worrying about finances, and so much more. All these have taken our eyes off of what is important, God.

He makes everything work out according to His plan.

Ephesians 1:11

Trust in God’s plan to find peace in our life

God is in control of us and our lives. Everything we need is given to us. It’s not losing control, it’s moving control from you to God. And when we begin to put our trust in God’s plan we begin to find a peace in our life.

Doesn’t that sound amazing – PEACE!!

Once we trust in God’s plan for our life, for our world we can live in peace, no freaking out! Does that mean we won’t freak out? Um, no!! There will always be moments of stress and anxiety, we are human! But in the end knowing that God’s beautiful plan will work out is finding the peace to overcome the anxiousness occurring in our lives.

The (Google, cause isn’t that legit) definition of faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Wait, what?! Read that again!! Our faith is trusting in God, in His plan!!

Now look at the definition (yes, again Google) of peace: freedom from disturbance, tranquility. So ultimately our faith brings us peace! YES!!

Letting go of control, putting down your own pen and allowing God to fully write your story, having FAITH in His plan will bring you PEACE. What a beautiful feeling! Full belief in our heavenly father and a peaceful life here on earth! I don’t think any story/plan could be written any better!

My prayer for you reading this, is that you can find peace. Whatever it is holding you back from putting your full trust in God and His plan, let it go, give it all to Him and let yourself find peace!