Relaxing tips for busy moms

If you are a mom this day in age then you are more then likely stressed! Whether you are a stay at home mom or work outside the home, your life is nonstop. Running from here and there, to-do lists and carpools, housework and life!

I am a stay at home mom, but my husband being a firefighter is 90% of the time not home. This leaves me to do much of the housework, family finances and raising the kids on my own.

When my kids were younger finding the time to be able to unwind and destress by myself was hard. I was the one who got up with them throughout the night, the one home with them all day and in short finding alone time was rough. Even going to the bathroom or taking a shower, someone was in there with me!

Now my kids are a bit older, the oldest out of the house in college and my youngest is almost 10. I still spend all day being their chauffer and keeping them happy, and I still don’t always get my alone time in the bathroom, but I am able to take a few moments to myself now.

Ways I de-stressed when my kids were younger

When my kids were younger I had to be creative in my ways to find me time. My oldest and youngest are 10 years apart, so by the time I had him she was already in travel sports and living on the go. Like every sports mom, we find friends on the sidelines that we get along with and have connections with. While my oldest had practice, my other two would spend time on the playground while I watched and caught up with the other moms from the team. This gave me a chance to connect with adults, something I rarely got during the day!

I have a couple of mom friends who have kids the same age as mine. This was a bonus when they were younger because we would plan girls nights together! I have a close friend who is also a fire wife and our sons are the same age. We like to plan mom nights when our husbands are at the firehouse. It gives us time to catch up, drink some wine and the boys get to spend time together playing.

Now that my kids are older

I have a bit of an advantage with my oldest and youngest 10 years apart. Once my son was a toddler, my oldest was a babysitter and she would watch both kids while I was able to meet other moms for drinks and dinner. Her sports calendar kept me pretty busy traveling and running her around, but I was able to schedule a few throughout the year.

Now that I have two left at home, I’m still just as busy but able to find more me-time throughout the week. A lot of it occurs after they go to bed in the evenings, but I do have more time to myself. It took me a long time to find things that I enjoyed doing to de-stress. Most of my adult life I have lived taking care of my kids. The things I did in college are not things I would do now. So it took me a long time to find my relaxation routine.

I’m an introvert, and with busy active kids, I am always on the go during the week. About ten years, we started a routine on Friday evenings. We meet my parents for dinner at our favorite hometime pizza shop. After dinner, my husband (when he’s home) takes the kids and they watch a movie together in our family room. I am able to enjoy a nice shower without kids banging on the door and some tv in bed. During this time, I get to reenergize from the busy week and for the busy weekend ahead. I have really enjoyed this time alone. And my husband enjoys his alone time with the kids!

During the week I watch a girlfriend’s daughter. She’s a toddler and I’ve been watching her since she was 8 months old. I had to go back to some of my tricks of the trade when my kids were younger! Naptime is my favorite time of day! I have the tv turned off, I eat my lunch in peace and I choose to do a bible study and read. Those two hours are a great way for me to reenergize for the afternoon (school pickups) and evening events.

Tricks of the trade

So, what are some of my most favorite relaxing aids, you ask? I recently wrote a post, found here, about my favorite items, from comfy pajamas to slippers, from amazing candle to relaxing bath bombs. Each mom is different and you have to find what works for you!

I love a good book, both fiction and self-help. Find an author you enjoy reading and then always have one available. Grab the latest self-help book and read it when you can. And most importantly, find a devotion so you can keep close to God.

And if you are anything like me, you like the organization! I have found over the years, that I can combat a stressful busy week before it even happens. On Sunday evenings I spend about 20 to 30 minutes alone going over my week. I plan out each day in my planner so I know first hand out crazy my week is. This has really helped because nothing just pops up, everything is worked out and I’m not as stressed throughout the week. And yes, I am the crazy lady who still uses a paper planner (here are a few of my favorite: Happy planner and Planner and Journal.

Why it’s important to relax

I am more of a do as I say not as I do kind of gal. I get super stressed out, and many times don’t take care of myself as I should. But this year in my year of myself (you can read more of this here), I am really trying to take care of myself more.

I have two teenage daughters. They one day will be mothers and wives. But not only that, right now in this day in age our teenagers are more stressed than we ever were at their age. I have taught my girls to take time for themselves. To find time to unwind and destress after a long day or busy week. My youngest daughter loves her baths and bath bombs and enjoys soaking in the tub after a long, stressful day. My oldest daughter unwinds by watching tv and taking care of herself (she calls them spa nights).

If we don’t teach our girls that it’s important to take care of ourselves we are setting up an entire generation of stressed-out women. The world has changed since we were younger, and as moms, we find it hard to navigate through this crazy world. We listen to our own moms, but they didn’t live the same motherhood we do. Teaching our girls to listen to themselves, realizing that when they are stressed to take the time to unwind. There is nothing wrong with that, but 100% right to living a happy, stress-free life.