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I’ve been pretty quiet on this blog for a couple of weeks now. I even stopped sending out my weekly emails! My social media has even been a little quiet based on regular times.

I feel I need to explain. So here goes: I’ve been taking care of myself!

Sometimes in life we need to step back and regroup. I needed this!

For a couple of weeks I wasn’t feeling creative enough to write posts on this blog. I have tried hard in the past years to make this space one of encouragement, positive vibes and love. During this time, I wasn’t feeling it, and new I needed to work on myself.

I was becoming overwhelmed with life. The kids schooling, the housework and projects I decided to take on, and just all the political decisions on social media.

So what did I do?! I stepped back some from social media. I posted a few times but not regularly. I tried to post times when I was grateful for things. Please join me on Instagram, I love sharing positiveness there when I’m not here!

I also took time with my family. We enjoyed family dinners (something we do regularly but we cooked as a family and enjoyed more time together). We spend evenings around the fire pit in the backyard. We watched a lot more movies than ever before. I also focused on my marriage. I slowed down and had more conversations with my husband, spent more one on one time with him and got back to us.

I took time for myself. Days I wanted to be lazy and read or just lay around, I aloud myself to do so. I made sure I wasn’t rushing from one thing to another, but enjoyed my slow time.

Since I was slowing down, I added more devotional time to my life. I found a few more that I like and began them. I have enjoyed my additional time with God and I may never give that up.

I prayed more and I sat and truly listened to God respond. I find myself in a much better mood when I start my day off with prayer. I do it before I even get out of bed! I lay there and pray and then just stop and listen for God’s response. It’s really deepened my faith and relationship with God.

Since I slowed down and listened to God’s response I heard him push me towards helping others more. While texting with friends, I found a number of them struggling during this time too. So, I began a very small group book study. We meet once a week, after the kids are in bed, via Zoom and it really is beginning to help each other. We are studying Psalm 40, and I really like the combination of both group and individual study.

I did things I wanted to do and not things I needed to do. For years I have been neglecting my house and all the things I wanted done. So, I took this time and started doing all the things I wanted done. I painted (well let’s not lie, still painting) the house a gorgeous grey and white, painted my front door, working on my front porch with new furniture and house number sign, making over old antique pass down furniture, updating photos and so much more! Because these are all things I want done I feel more accomplished at the end of the day. It’s a great feeling!

I have gotten to read a lot more during this time! I love reading, and normally I’m running from here to there, taking care of others and busy with life I don’t get to put my hands on books.

I really am glad that I took this time for myself. I needed to find my focus again, I was losing sight of what was important, and focusing more on others and situations around me. Because life has slowed down these past few months, it was really the perfect time to take this time for myself. I have regrouped, I’m a happier person, and I’m ready to tackle everything that comes my way.

Have you taken this time to work on yourself? If not this time, have you ever taken time for yourself? What do you do to regroup and get back to yourself? Share with me in your comments, I would love to hear from you.